Sunday, August 16, 2009

fleeing to the flea

i spent yesterday as i spend most saturdays: sitting in the heat, under my tent, selling my wares at the local flea market.

there is nothing fun about this.

don't get me wrong, the other vendors are a scream and we spend the day... eating and making fun of customers. because frankly a whole lot of customers are insulting and rude. at this point i'm no longer of the school that the customer is always right. if you're at my table and you're asking nice questions and buying things--even a little difficult about buying things--that's cool. but when you insult me or my work? i'm no longer going to smile. in fact, i'm going to snap back.

so when i got home i was bone tired and was going to do little that was important. i was going to EAT and watch TV. which i did, but i also put together two giant bags for a clothing swap i'm hitting today (and i swear i cannot bring that many clothes back into the house!). and i cleaned off the "table in the living room" and plan to take the legs off later. and put it out for trash.

it's long since seen its time, was once a nice hardwood wide table from pottery barn. but a candle melted on it, it's been scratched, and i don't have the energy or the desire to make it new again.

i'm trying, i am. i also unloaded the dishwasher last night! huzzah!

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